
The authors propose the description of the development of a device for multiplying numbers. The device for multiplying numbers on the field-programmable gate array (FPGA) includes two input and one output registers, fifty-six single-digit adders, sixty four logic elements AND, one exclusive OR gate. The main scientific and technical task in developing a device for multiplying numbers is to reduce hardware complexity using single-bit adders and logic elements. Introduction includes description of works of scientists and researchers whose publications are devoted to design and development of multiplier construction methods, multiplier FIR performance improvement by right-shift and addition method on FPGA (field-programmable gate array) basis. The implementation of MAC-block, hardware implementation of binary multiplier on the basis of multi operand adder, multiplier design by right-sliding and addition with control automaton in the FPGA basis is the actual research tasks presented in a number of papers. The description of features of multiplier implementation, high-speed multipliers with variable bit rate, studies of approaches for designing modular multipliers, FPGA image processing using Brown multiplier for performing convolution operation find application in problems of performance and speed. Also, a number of authors describe implementation of conveyorization method, design of dual multiplier, construction method of 8-bit multiplier with reduced delay, 8-bit high-density systolic multiplier arrays on FPGA and development of high-performance 8-bit multiplier using McCMOS technology. A fragment of a developed device for multiplying numbers is presented in the work by the authors. The principle of operation of a device for multiplication is described. The description of connected elements of the device is given. The timing diagrams of operation of a device for multiplication of numbers are presented.

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