
Ensuring traffic safety on the roads and reducing the number of deaths due to road accidents is a priority task both in Russia and in the global community. Assessment of safety in the event of vehicle crashes, oncoming lane exits, collisions with road barriers and other elements of the road infrastructure (ERI) requires the use of a wide range of modern and innovative information technologies-special environments for automated design of Digital Twins of road infrastructure elements, virtual tests with collision modeling and obtaining results on different input parameters of the simulation, modern automated testing of the road infrastructure elements. All these practical works, research and development are carried out at MADI together with scientific team LLC M&PQ to improve road safety. The article deals with the prospects of development of these works, a natural transition to another level of research. Based on the intellectual technologies in the field of road construction, work has begun on creating a special information environment, the so-called “Virtual Digital Proving Ground”, and, among other things, to provide it, a database (DB) of computer-aided design and virtual testing of digital models ERI, which will improve the efficiency and quality of work. The use of the ERI database will allow to implement the automated control of the developed ERI digital models, to implement tools for designing new innovative structures, to predict the behavior of accident participants, to develop reasonable standards in the field of road barriers of the future, to carry out examination by requests of various organizations.

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