
The purpose of the work. The purpose of the work is to develop a business plan for the processing of plastic waste on the example of Eco-Element LLC. The relevance of the work. The relevance of the chosen research topic is due to the fact that the environmental situation is currently deteriorating more and more, not only in Russia, but also in the entire world community. The entire environmental situation in the world and in Russia, in particular, depends on an increasing number of waste recycling plants. Very often, in many regions of our country, garbage recycling is carried out only formally, on paper, without conducting real inspections, which leads to a deterioration of the environmental situation as a whole. In this regard, the author identified the need for the development of a business plan for the processing of plastic waste. The method or methodology of the work. The research is based on a general scientific methodology, which provides for the application of a systematic approach to solving the problems of waste recycling by developing a specific business plan on the example of a newly created enterprise. Results. In this work, a business plan of the enterprise was developed on the example of Eco-Element LLC for the processing of plastic waste. That is why, with the constantly deteriorating environmental situation, the development of a business plan becomes an important task, one of the standard samples is the business plan developed in this study for the organization of a plastic waste recycling enterprise. The paper considers the methods of traditional business planning designed for analysis and decision-making in uncertain situations based on modeling of a plastic waste recycling enterprise on the example of Eco-Element LLC. The author has developed a work schedule and a standard staffing table of the projected enterprise LLC "Eco-Element", according to which new jobs appear already at the initial stage of the organization. In addition, job descriptions of employees have been developed in detail. The study provides a comparative analysis of potential consumers of products and an assessment of competitors of the company "Eco-Element" with the identification of a possible market niche. Based on the results of the initial capital investments and current expenses calculated by the author, a forecast estimate of the company's cash flows is given with the calculation of financial indicators supported by the constructed graphs of the main financial dependencies. As a result, based on the analysis of this developed business plan of the plastic waste processing enterprise, calculations of its economic efficiency are given, possible risks are identified and a tape schedule of the calendar plan for the implementation of the project is built. Thus, the effectiveness and impact on the social and environmental environment of this developed business plan is beyond doubt and is confirmed by the calculations performed by the author. The scope of the results. The results of the study can be used in the organization of enterprises for the processing of plastic waste in any region of the Russian Federation in order to obtain both financial income for entrepreneurs and to improve the environmental situation in general in a particular region. Conclusions. In general, all of the above will lead to an improvement in the environmental situation in the Russian Federation. In addition, the indirect effects will be new jobs and the receipt of additional revenues to the budget of the region.

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