
Choosing a career is an important choice in every student’s life, and it is particularly important to evaluate the development of vocational education for students.However, many students today do not have a clear positioning, do not know themselves clearly, do not know what their appropriate work, unable to make a suitable career development plan, thus facing greater employment pressure. Based on this, this paper introduces the development of a professional psychological assessment system for students, which can help students better understand their own interests, personality and professional ability tendency through scientific professional psychological tests, so that teachers can more accurately evaluate students’ development ability and psychology. Based on the analysis of the existing vocational assessment software, the system improves a series of defects such as inflexible report form and incomplete functional modules. In addition, the reliability and validity of the selected scale were analyzed by retest method in this paper. The Pearson plot correlation coefficient basically met the requirements of 0.6∼0.8, with an interest of 0.66, a personality of 0.71 and a personality of 0.79, indicating that the measurement content of this system has a high reliability and relevance validity.

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