
Historically, eating disorder research has excluded marginalized and underserved populations, such as those with food insecurity (which also impacts higher numbers of Black/African American and Latinx communities). However, burgeoning research suggests an association between food insecurity and the development of eating disorder pathology. Examining patterns of food availability and related eating behaviors may elucidate the association between food insecurity and eating disorder pathology. However, to date, there are no comprehensive measures that accurately capture food availability patterns and related eating behaviors. In Study 1, 40 participants (20 adolescents, 20 adults) will respond to and provide qualitative feedback on the Food Availability and Related Eating Behaviors Questionnaire (FAREB-Q). In study 2, 50 participants (approximately 25 with and without food insecurity) will complete the FAREB-Q at two time-points, and respond to questions about food insecurity, disordered eating, and every day stress to assess the FAREB-Q's reliability and validity. Results will clarify whether the FAREB-Q is a reliable and valid instrument that measures food availability and related eating behavior patterns. The present study aims to develop, pilot, and examine the psychometric properties of the FAREB-Q, a self-report measure examining food availability and related eating behaviors in community populations. The novel FAREB-Q assesses food availability and related eating patterns in the general community. The FAREB-Q will be reviewed by experts in disordered eating, food insecurity, psychometric statisticians and piloted in the general public before being psychometrically evaluated in a larger sample. The FAREB-Q is anticipated to help elucidate the mechanisms linking food availability, food (in)security, disordered eating behaviors, and eating pathology.

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