
Technological advancements in mobile devices coupled with their increased use in informal and formal learning at an individual level have forced academicians to implement full-scale mobile learning in higher education. However, its full-scale implementation can be achieved if the perception and attitude towards its acceptance are studied from the viewpoint of higher education teachers. This exploratory study begins with the identification of potential determinants of mobile learning acceptance. Thereafter, Teachers Mobile Learning Acceptance Scale was developed based on the explored factors. There is no available instrument so far that encompasses important factors for determining acceptance of mobile learning by higher education teachers in ‘one go'. This instrument serves to be a comprehensive measure of teacher's acceptance of mobile learning. Two new factors ‘teacher authority and privacy' and ‘motivational factors for students' have been added. Although these factors have not been addressed in the past research, yet they play a significant role when considered from teachers' perspective. This instrument depicts a high level of content validity and reliability.

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