
This study is an effort to develop and evaluate the validity of the Bansho Plan-Based Teaching Module to improve students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) mastery of the topic of Quadratic Equations. The interactive module comprises six lesson units to provide students with the opportunity to explore the application of the Quadratic Equations concept in real-life situations. The design, development, and validity evaluation of the module was based on the design and development research approach. The discussion focused on two phases, namely the requirements analysis and the development design. The Morrison, Ross, and Kemp (2007) model consisting of nine components was used to support the module development in the first stage of the current study. Meanwhile, the second stage involved an evaluation of the module’s validity and the implementation of a pilot study. Responses from five Mathematics education experts were analyzed using the Percentage Calculation Method (PCM). The highest mean score for content validity coefficient was obtained by the knowledge level aspect with 0.96. This confirms that the module is in line with the national curriculum, as well as the complexity level of all problems presented in the module is not confusing and the module is capable of applying HOTS to the topic of Quadratic Equations. Furthermore, a reliability test was done on the learning objectives through a pilot study involving thirty students. The results showed that the module obtained a Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient value of 0.915, indicating its good consistency. One major contribution of this study is that it highlights the uniqueness of combining multimedia modules with the traditional approach of the Bansho Plan. It creates an awareness that traditional teaching approaches, such as the Bansho Plan, should not be labelled as outdated, but instead its wisdom needs to be explored and adapted to the demands and needs of 21st century teaching.

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