An urgent task in materials science is the development of frost-resistant materials based on elastomers with increased strength and high resistance to shear failure. Obtaining these materials can be achieved by reinforcing with fabrics from various fibers. The most common reinforcing fillers used in polymer composite materials are basalt, glass, and carbon fibers. In this work, composite elastomers based on frost-resistant cis-butadiene rubber reinforced with high-strength fabrics obtained by layer-by-layer stacking were studied. The results of elastic-strength tests showed a 1.7 to 2.8 times increase in tensile strength compared to the original elastomer. At the same time, there is a decrease in elasticity from 25 to 47 times. The results of the study of the structure and adhesive strength suggest low contact between the substrate and the adhesive. This fact is confirmed by the IR spectra, where new peaks are not observed. The study of thermodynamic properties by differential scanning calorimetry and thermomechanical analysis showed the preservation of frost resistance and mobility of the obtained composite elastomers at low negative temperatures.
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