
Two species of tigernut tuber (yellow and brown i.e. fresh and dried) were processed in different ways to formulate three new products, Product 1-Apple Tigernut Beverage (ATB), Product 2-Pineapple Tigernut Beverage (PTB) and Product 3-Coconut Tiger nut Beverage (CTB). ATB, PTB and CTB were blends of Apple juice, Pineapple juice and Coconut milk with the Tiger nut milk (yellow and brown mixed separately) by substitution at ratio (YTM:AJ, BTM:AJ) (YTM:PJ, BTM:PJ) (YTM:CJ, BTM:CJ) 100:0, 80:20, 60:40, 50:50, 40:60, 20:80 and 0:100. These samples were evaluated for their chemical composition, physiochemical properties, vitamins, mineral content, sensory and shell life and the samples maintained a good statue. Statistical analysis was carried out in chemical composition of which the result significant difference (P ≤ 0.05) existed between yellow tiger nut milk brown tiger nut milk at 100:0, 80:20, 60:40, 50:50, 40:60, 20:80 but sample 0:100 of AJ, PJ and CJ were not significantly difference (P > 0.05). From the chemical composition results it was observed that the beverages had high content of moisture, carbohydrate and energy value. However, the beverages were fairly rich in protein, ash and fat contents. The microbial result of fungi was a bit at variance with standard record. Although, all samples were highly accepted but coconut tigernut beverage had the highest acceptability. Microbial content ranged from zero growth to 103cfu/ml which was not critical to the wholesomeness of the products. Furthermore, samples were stored in an air tight container in a cool place and were seen to last for 10 days before fermentation set in, hence, the presence of CO2 increased their shell life.

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