
In the digital era, we face moral challenges and crises among children, especially elementary school students. For this reason, the role of character education in shaping personality and the importance of education based on religious values are very important. This reason underlies the researcher to develop the KARIS (Christian faith-based character) education model. This research used the Research and Development method by involving all relevant stakeholders as participants. The case study was conducted at Daniel Creative School Elementary School, Semarang. The development model was carried out starting from the identification of relevant Christian values, character curriculum development, implementation of Christian faith-based learning processes, evaluation of student character, monitoring, and evaluation, to continuous improvement. The findings of this study are that researchers found the importance of character education in shaping students' personalities. In addition, the model developed has helped schools to develop students' character positively. The role of teachers is also very important in integrating Christian values into learning. Finally, the importance of collaboration and support from all stakeholders in the success of Christian faith-based character education.

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