
PGSD student is a prospective educator for the next generation. In PGSD student's hands, children of the nation is guided and nurtured being person who is smart and and have good character as the goal of education in Indonesia. So, PGSD student have to be equipped the educator competencies such as pedagogic competence, personal competence, social competence, and professional competence. But in fact, the provision which is covered by four competencies has not possessed in the whole PGSD student self completely. From the result of tracer study in PGSD student alumni which was done by PGSD department on 2011, it shows that the pedagogic competency of PGSD alumni had been innovative and creative; but the personal, social and professional competence had not achieved the standarized yet. It seems from the alumnus behavior, such as a lack of communication skills alumnus fellow colleagues, had an unstable personality (or immature), selfish and less authoritative, less polite in clothes, smoking in any place, and others. Indeed, this requires the existence of learning strategy in PGSD department to impress the candidate of elementary school teachers, who are competent and have character. One of learning strategies to make competent teacher which have the character is the intervention techniques experience learning theory (ELT) by David Kolb model (1984). David Kolb intervention strategy consists of four stages: concrete experience (real), reflection, conceptualization, and application. With the utilization of ELT which is as one part in this study, it is expected that PGSD students can apply their knowledge in the real field, as well as get a firsthand experience of being a teacher from the beginning of the semester.

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