
The Student Equity and Inclusion Workgroup is a student-led initiative at the University of Kansas that aims to advance equity and inclusion. Within this structure, the workgroup is entirely student-led and independent of any institutional initiatives. It has developed three themes - recognizing minority student leadership, ensuring equitable access to opportunities, and meaningfully supporting students - and used those themes to develop comprehensive programming in the way of research, institutional advocacy, mentorship, and fellowship. Research initiatives included creating research opportunities for minority students by developing independent research projects. Institutional advocacy initiatives focused on policy change and developing a uniquely situated network of allies at and beyond the university. Mentorship centered student-to-student transmission of knowledge, skills, and support. Fellowship entailed creating opportunities for community-building and recognition of minority student excellence. Student-led initiatives such as those of the workgroup may be an effective way of supporting minority students in CSD. Institutions endeavoring to advance equity and inclusion should consider empowering students through facilitation of self-directed development, using institutional supports to support minority students on their terms, and recognizing students as capable partners in rethinking equity and inclusion.

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