
Language acts as a window to knowledge and also an international system of communication. The English language plays a significant role in communication. It is easy to learn all languages if they are practised well. Most of the students have negative attitude towards English grammar. Normally created examples are used in the traditional grammar teaching. Though these examples are simple, they are not realistic. So the students find it difficult to apply them in real linguistic settings. They are not able to produce their own language expressions correctly. To solve these problems, teaching should be effective by making use of formal and informal English in different settings, and real examples must be used in grammar teaching for the students to learn grammar with great interest. The goal of teaching grammar is making the students understand how language is constructed. So they don’t find any trouble applying the language that they learn from functional grammar teaching. If grammar is taught creatively and innovatively students will be very much interested towards grammar learning. When the students practice learning grammar, the teacher should provide them an opportunity to produce correct grammatical sentences. This paper examines the favorable attitude towards English Language through functional grammar teaching.

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