
Increased competence must exist in vocational education. Less measurability of competency typing and convenience in using the computer laboratory becomes a problem for the Department of Business Administration, Bali State Polytechnic. For that, we need a system repair work practice typing on the student. This research was conducted at the Department of Business Administration computer laboratory Bali State Polytechnic. The method used is experiment with design group within - treatment (same subject). A total sample of 28 students of the 2nd semester and are taking practice typing. Competence is measured from the speed and accuracy in typing. Comfortable measured by questionnaires of practice comfort, and fatigue measured using a 30 item questionnaire of fatigue. Data of fatigue and comfortable were analyzed using the non-parametric Wilcoxon test and data of typed competence analyzed using t- paired test at the 95% significance level. Results of this research showed that there was a decrease in fatigue student practice 28.10%, decrease in musculoskeletal complaints 31.14%, increase in comfortable 39.63%, increase in typing speed competence the 27.31%, and an increase in typing accuracy competence 5, 10%. It was concluded that the improvement of work practices system can reduce fatigue and musculoskeletal complaints of students and increase typing comfort and competence of students in the Department of Business Administration Bali State Polytechnic.

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