
Various global development opportunities have been escalated through the Internet of Everything (IoE) with the potential of progressing Sustainable Development goals - dramatically accelerating and improving lives of millions. The emerging economies of developing countries with minimal investments have crafted a huge array of (IoE) technologies strongly demanding interoperability and interconnectivity that are affordable, scalable and available, significantly improving people's quality of life. Growing number of devices requiring interconnectivity referring to the concept of (IoE) headed beyond sensors, chips, computers and smartphones. The modern replete technology has enabled both synchronous and asynchronous communication without human interaction in many industrial processes, fleet management, stock exchanges, inventory systems and environment monitoring regardless of their extensive deployment. Information Communication Technology (ICT) is a fast evolving industry in developing countries, offering (IoE)'s huge potential of transformation and disruption. The global development challenges have emphasised the need for communication and due to (IoE) advancements, long-standing issues (health care, stock, management, cross-border, technology diffusion etc.) would be surmounted in an affordable and quick manner. The developing countries would turn-around with the help of a long-awaited (IoE) technology aiming at improving their economies and lives of millions of people. The key to increased usage is the interconnectedness of diverse range of devices which formerly were incompatible with each other. The interoperability between devices has rendered (IoE) both practical and possible and in accordance with the international communication standards. Research and industrial organisations have stipulated the formation of a hyper-connected society where tens of billions daily life objects and devices would communicate, forming a global network of smart devices. The successful provision of intelligent and smart devices through (IoE) services leads to challenging security concerns especially in developing countries where communication and devices are cheap but there is a lack of secure (IoE) infrastructures. The current paper would envisage a secure architecture for diversely connected objects within developing countries. A secure configuration methodology of the bootstrapping scheme is proposed as a solution in this paper. The bootstrapping scheme is activated as soon as a new object get connected to an operational network. This method is feasible to secure the devices and avoid data exploitation within developing countries where communication across devices is still lacking protected infrastructures. A review of the Internet of Everything (IoE) is represented beneath, along with a brief portrayal of the applications and difficulties confronted by the (IoE).

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