
Christology is the effort to find the answer on Christ illustration of human life which always experiences a development. Christology should build based on the inter-textual and intercultural. With noticing the cultural context, so Christology can develop itself widely and always up to date, the literary quality aimed to find the dynamics of the development of Christology in the Javanese farmer community context. The Research obtains the important findings about Christology. Learn from Christological thinking which always develops according to the times, it might be developed the Christological thinking in the Javanese farmer communities’ context. The myth regarding Dewi Sri (and Sadono) and Ratu Adil, which has become ingrained in the Javanese farmer community, can be appointed the development of a distinctive Christology for Javanese farmer community. The developed Christology should describe that Christ as the incarnate form of Allah can be found in the realm of agriculture. Christ presents in nature (Panentheism) becomes increasingly context for Javanese farmer community, Christology which emphasize Jesus as incarnation form, Jesus is the compassion of God, Jesus is the political act of God's love which experienced by Javanese farmer community. This finding has benefit for the efforts to develop the Church in the context of agricultural society in Java.

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