
In this case study, we identified how teacher leaders developed a professional learning community (PLC) to support their colleagues’ learning to enhance the fifth-grade students' learning goals setting. Pre- and post-interview data from three teacher leaders and three participating teachers were analyzed. The findings revealed that in the first year of the PLC, all the conditions for a successful PLC implementation were fulfilled – the participants were encouraged by the school leadership team, and shared common vision and goals. Teachers put a lot of effort in learning the theory and based on their common understanding, developed a model to help their students goal-setting. Taking on an inquiry approach, they also monitored the effect of their learning on students. Although the teacher leaders admitted that leading the PLC was sometimes complicated, they found it inevitable to continue in the following year. However, teachers’ self-initiation was not enough to assure the successful functioning of the PLC. The lack of support (e.g. previously set time for collaboration was withdrawn) and interest from the school leadership team impeded the sustainability of the PLC.

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