
ABSTRACT Two new species of Rhododendron L. section Schistanthe Schltr. (Ericaceae) from New Guinea. Two new species of Rhododendron L. sect. Schistanthe Schltr. (= sect. Vireya), recently discovered in New Guinea, are described and illustrated. Rhododendron muscipulum Danet, sp. nov. is close to R. tuba Sleumer but is distinct by having a recurved corolla tube, a style almost completely indumented, anther cells that are rounded at the base, a puberulent pedicel and leaves that are persistent for a long time on 12–16 consecutive sympodial units. Furthermore, R. muscipulum sp. nov. is recognisable from all the species in the section Schistanthe in having glutinous twigs. Rhododendron andrineae Danet, sp. nov. is close to R. opulentum Sleumer, differing by its pedicel that is very short and robust, its sericeous gynoecium and its longer capsule. Furthermore, R. andrineae sp. nov. is recognisable from all the species in the section Schistanthe in having an ovary indumentum that consists of scales and stellat...

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