
We describe and illustrate a new species of Calibrachoa (Solanaceae) from the state of Santa Catarina in southern Brazil. Calibrachoa eglandulata is distinguished by the presence of eglandular trichomes, relatively long stamens and corolla tubes, lobed stigmas, and pendent branches. The eglandular trichomes are unique to this species. We also propose nine new combinations in Calibrachoa. Calibrachoa La Llave & Lexarza is an American genus of Solanaceae with a center of diversity in southern Brazil. Historically, Calibrachoa has been included in Petunia Jussieu due to morphological similarity. Wijsman and Jong (1985) recognized the two genetically isolated groups of species in Petunia as different genera. Petunia contained the species group with a diploid number of 14 chromosomes and those related to the garden Petunia, while Calibrachoa retained the species group with 18 chromosomes (Brummitt, 1989). Calibrachoa species are characterized by woody stems, conduplicate aestivation with two petals covering the other three, and seed-coat cells with straight anticlinal walls. Petunia species have nonwoody stems, imbricate aestivation, and seed-coat cells with wavy anticlinal walls. Wijsman (1990) transferred most species from Petunia to Calibrachoa. We have reviewed the Brazilian species of Calibrachoa and Petunia, and we propose nine new combinations of Brazilian Calibrachoa to complement the nomenclatural combinations started by Wijsman. We also describe a new species of Calibrachoa, C. eglandulata, which grows in the state of Santa Catarina in southern Brazil. Calibrachoa eglandulata Stehmann & Semir, sp. nov. TYPE: Brazil. Santa Catarina: Urubici, estrada da Serra do Corvo Branco em diretio a Urubici (ap6s subida da Serra), 4 Nov. 1994 (fl, fr), J. R. Stehmann 1534 & J. Dutilh (holotype, UEC; isotypes, K, MO). Figure 1A-G. Species inter omnes pilis eglandulosis distincta. Calibrachoa linoides affinis autem non solum ramis pendulis, corollae tubo et stylo maioribus sed etiam stigmate lobato differt. Decumbent shrub, rarely erect, with simple, eglandular trichomes. Stems with woody base, irregularly sulcate, glabrate, elongate branches, sometimes more than 2 m long, pendent, pilose or subvillous, yellowish brown or gray; internodes 320 mm long. Brachyblasts usually absent. Leaves sessile or subsessile, blade 13-25 mm long, 5-11 mm wide, elliptic, less often ovate or obovate, apex acute or obtuse, base shortly and abruptly attenuate, blade slightly asymmetric, plane or concave, margin sometimes slightly revolute and thickened, pilose or subvillous on both faces, on the abaxial side, or only at the margin and midrib, adaxial surface with sunken midrib, abaxial surface with thickened midrib, secondary nerves not evident. Sympodial units 1-flowered, with opposite leaf-like bracts, internodes 12-30 mm long, longer than the vegetative internodes. Pedicels 17-30 mm long, pilose or subvillous, suberect to patent. Calyx 13-19 mm long, greenish, externally villous, internally sparsely pilose, 10-nervate, lobes 5-12 mm long, unequal, narrow-triangular to subulate. Corolla with conduplicate aestivation with two petals covering the other three, funnel-shaped, zygomorphic, externally pilose to subvillous, internally glabrous, tube 18-20 mm long, narrow, yellow with dark purple nerves, yellow mouth, limb 23-27 mm diam., magenta, lobes with apex truncate or slightly emarginate. Stamens 5, heterodynamous, the free portions 5.5-8 mm, 6-9 mm, and 9-11 mm long, the fused portions 4.5-8 mm long, glabrous, anthers yellow, about 1 mm long. Ovary about 1.5 mm long, ovoid, style 11.5-16 mm long, slender, apex curved, stigma lobed. Capsule 6-8 mm long, 3.55 mm diam., elipsoid to globose, 2-valved, the valve apex mucronate, shortly partite; pedicel 32-35 mm long, strongly deflexed. Seeds 0.98-1.04 mm long, ellipsoid, blackish, seed-coat reticulate-foveate with straight thick-walled ridges. Calibrachoa eglandulata is recognized by the eglandular trichomes, long and pendent branches, long and narrowly funnel-shaped corolla, long filaments, and lobed stigma. Calibrachoa eglandulata most closely resembles C. linoides (Sendtnet) WijsNovoN 7: 417-419. 1997. This content downloaded from on Fri, 17 Jun 2016 05:24:29 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms

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