
It is important in clinical education that nursing students make nursing interventions. The study was planned to determine the nursing interventions that first-year students carry out to do in clinical practice. The study is a descriptive and cross-sectional study. The population of the study consisted of first-year nursing students. The study data were collected using the Student Introduction Form and Nursing Interventions Form. When the nursing interventions related to the patient's vital signs were examined, it was determined that the majority of the students wanted to perform these interventions before and after the clinical practice. It was determined that the majority of the students wanted to perform some or a few of the nursing interventions before and after clinical practice, which were related to the patient's individual hygiene, urinary excretion, and bowel emptying needs. It was determined that the nursing interventions that the first-year students wanted to perform in line with the theoretical knowledge they gained in the nursing principles course were mostly the assessment of vital signs, drug administration, intravenous administration, and nursing interventions aimed at meeting the nutritional, respiratory and movement needs of the patient. It was determined that nursing interventions aimed at meeting the urinary and bowel emptying needs were desired a little or very little by the majority of the students.

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