
XYZ Lahat Company is one of the companies operating in South Sumatra region. This company uses Fleet or Tank Car (TC) as a mode of transportation in distributing fuel products to Pertashop. The construction of Pertashop in Lahat, South Sumatra, has increased 22% since beginning of the program in May 2021. There are partners who join the construction of 5 units/month of Pertashop and the growth rate of Pertashops affects the number of Thruput by 143 KL/month, whereas the needs for transportation is also increasing, such as the number of needs for fuel products. The method used for mapping is clustering and for calculation used proportional. The data analysis includes the capability of the car fleet. In conclusion, 321 Fleets can be fulfilled with an increase in ritase of 6.02 rit/day which can optimize the fuel distribution process and meet consumer needs.

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