
Today's ever-increasing energy demands necessitate the development of new energy sources. Renewable energy sources, in particular, have emerged as a critical source of energy for both industrialized and developing countries. Wind energy is one of the most important forms of renewable energy, however the constant variance in wind speed raises several concerns. The wind energy potential of the Hatay region was assessed in this study. The most essential factor for Hatay's selection is the region's high wind energy investments due to its wind potential, as contrasted to the actual wind potential. By using the wind data obtained from the general directorate of meteorology, the potential of the selected region in terms of wind energy has been evaluated. The coefficients of the Weibull distribution function were calculated using polynomial curve fitting in Matlab. The average wind speed of the region was estimated and using these coefficients, the average wind power of the selected region was determined. The performance of this method was evaluated using various statistical error analysis methods and the findings were compared with actual wind speed data.

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