
A sensor, which consists of a three-axis accelerometer, a gyroscope, and a magnetometer, has been developed to determine the dynamics of the wheel of a mobile machine. The sensor is connected to a microcontroller, which transmits the received data via a 2.4 GHz channel. It is mounted coaxial to the center of the wheel. At the first processing stage, the accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer data values are adjusted. The corrected accelerations and angular velocities signal are processed using a Butterworth filter. Filter Madgwick determines the angles of orientation of the sensor in space. In the next step, we remove the centrifugal component from the accelerations. Next, the gravitational component is subtracted from the accelerations, and its real value is obtained. The speed of the wheel is obtained by integrating accelerations. The Kalman filter processes the angular velocities, acceleration, and velocities. The measurement noise covariance matrix and the evaluation process matrix are calculated based on sensor errors. The results of experimental studies of the proposed method and sensor for determining the wheel dynamics of mobile machines on tractors with a 4x4 wheel arrangement were carried out. The sensors were installed on all wheels of the tractor. The developed wheel dynamics sensor allows us to determine the slippage of the engines of a mobile machine. This method of determining slipping is entirely accurate and does not require intervention in the design of the machine. The determination of the speed of rotation of the wheels of a mobile machine is based on the determination of the angular speed of rotation, which is measured with a gyroscope and accelerometer located in the center of the wheel of a mobile machine. Keywords: sensor, dynamics, wheel, mobile car, filter.

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