
The purpose of the article is to assess the impact of each of the methods used by engineers for calculating air exchange in a hot kitchen workshop on the energy consumption of ventilation systems. The calculation was carried out using six methods for determining the air flow rate removed by local kitchen hoods. For computer modeling of energy consumption, a probabilistic-statistical climate model and a universal PC program were used. which has been built according to the data of primary observations at the Moscow weather station for 30 years. The repeatability of combinations of the climate parameters is given for the cells with a 2 °C temperature step and a step of 5 % of the relative humidity. The content of the model represents a table of 19x37 cells.Significant discrepancies in the results of calculating exhaust hoods using different methods determine the need for experimental research and the creation of a generalized method. The efficiency and economy of its operation depends on the choice of the method for calculating the exhaust hood. Since the polluted air removed by local kitchen hoods must be compensated for, the air handling unit is forced to clean and warm up huge volumes of air, which increases both the capital costs of equipment and operating costs for the consumption of electricity, heat/cold. The discrepancy in energy consumption by supply and exhaust ventilation units operating in a ranges: from 6 to 97 % for electricity, from 6 to 63 % for heat, from 14 to 30 % for cold.

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