Bone is a part of the body that functions as a body frame that provides attachment to muscles and organs in a person’s body. There are to methods for restoring broken bones, external bone fixation and internal bone fixation. External bone fixation is a method with a device placed outside the skin to stabilize bone fragments using pins that are connected to one another with an outer frame or rigid bars. Internal bone fixation is a method that aims to improve stability and encourage bone healing in a functional position. In the process of connecting the bones, there is stress shielding which causes pain to the patient. Stress shielding analysis carried out in the process of connecting bones using stainless steel and titanium as a comparison material of the use of magnesium for screws and plates in the process of bone fixation. Magnesium is also known as a biodegradable material. The analysis of static loading shows that bones with stainless steel plate and screws have a greater maximum von mises stress value than bone with titanium plate and screws, whereas bones with titanium plate and screws have a greater maximum von mises stress value than bone with magnesium plate and screws. The stress shielding calculation results show that the bone with titanium plate and screws have a value of 1.98, the bone with stainless steel plate and screws have a value of 3.82, the bone with Magnesium plate and screws have a value of 1.52. The Magnesium is a potential material for replacing Titanium and Stainless Steel as raw material of plate and screw in a internal bone fixation due to the low stress shielding.
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