
Spectroscopic data from a variety of Nd glass laser-irradiated planar targets is examined. The experiments were performed for a number of purposes, including development of intense x-ray sources for absorption studies important in ICF, as well as investigations of target material properties. The data are examined with the non-LTE atomic rate equation code package, RATION. RATION solves for and displays detailed theoretical spectra for a number of H-like, He-like, and Li-like atomic transitions and is presently available to users of the MFE Computer Center network. The package has been enhanced to include a larger number of Li-like levels, some in full detail, and the ability to include time-dependent and space-dependent hydrodynamic information. The main results are spectral line ratios and displays of the full spectrum employing the RATION atomic model. Using these tools, time- and space-dependent plasma temperature and density diagnostics are produced and compared with the experimental data.

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