
A kinetic method for the determination of serum guanase is described, based on a NADH-linked reaction. Ammonia, set free from guanine by the action of guanase, is determined by the following glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH)-catalyzed reaction: NH 4 + + ketoglutarate + NADH ▪ glutamate + NAD + By adding ketoglutarate, NADH and glutamate dehydrogenase to a mixture of serum and guanine the reaction can be followed at 340 nm, as a result of the conversion of NADH in NAD +. The experimental conditions for a reliable assay of guanine were investigated. It appeared, that the above described procedure was precise and suitable for routine purposes. A good correlation with the method described by Giusti 5 was found. Normal values were determined, being lower than generally given in the literature.

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