
The article discusses the pedagogic conditions for the formation of an effective model of a responsible attitude to weapons among student youngsters. This process is characterised by duration, inconsistency, multifactoriality, is of particular importance in the modern world and Russian society, based on real prerequisites in Russian history, theory and foreign practice. The paper highlights the assessment of approaches to the formation of a meaningful component for the implementation of basic conditions. When creating a multi-layer specific subject-spatial environment, a characteristic of the model construction is given and special factors that determine its multi-layer nature are highlighted. When organising a rich moral and legal practice, the variability of methods, forms, approaches of work is considered, taking into account the needs of young people, the potential of institutions and integrity in the application of practice-oriented activities. Establishing continuous monitoring of changes in the volitional, emotional-value, effective-practical spheres of personality development stems from the need to organise systematic, effective activities, assess the potential of a changing situation in the youth environment. The identification of these conditions based on the results of monitoring work has shown its effectiveness and the possibility of application to other age groups. The formation of a responsible attitude to weapons acts as a creative model, assisting in the development of most personal qualities, such as independence, communication, success, stress resistance and others.

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