Much attention recently has been paid to the possible he alth benefits of dietary phenolics that have antioxidant activities stronger than that of vitamin C. However, information concerning the antioxidant capacities of sour orange peel and juice is not available. So, the purpose of this research is to determine the organic acids, total phenolic content, total flavonoid cont ent, and antioxidant capacity of sour orange (peel and juice), which is grown in Turkey. Some physicochemical properties of juice and peel are given in Table 1. Since the predominant acid was found as citric for juice, and oxalic for peel (HPLC assay), total titratable acidity (TTA) of samples were calcu lated on the basis of the predominant acid. Karadeniz [5] reported pH as 2.6, TTA as 4.9 g/100g, and Brix as 10.0 in sour orange juice, which is similar to our results. 4 organic acids in juice and 3 organic acids in peel were detected and quantified. The predominant organic acid was found as citric (97% of total acids) in juice and oxalic in peel (54 % of total acids), respectively. The other acids were oxal ic, malic, and ascorbic in juice, and quinic and ascorbic in peel (Table 2). The recoveries of organic acids from the BondElut cartridges were within 87‐105%. In the calculation of final results, recovery rates were not taken into consideration. The sum of all quantified acids by HPLC in juice and peel were 3.9 g/100 mL and 0.5 g/100 g, respectively. Citric and malic acids of so ur orange juice from Antalya (Turkey) were reported by Karadeniz as 48.8 and 2.2 g/L, respectively [5]. Slight differences between the two studies are attributable to the fruit sources, ripeness, and analytical conditions used. The presence of ascorbic acid (only qualitative) in sour orange juice has been previously reported [6]. The total phenolic content, total flavonoid content, and EC 50 values of the samples are given in Table 3. In the literature, there are no published results for sour orange, so the total phenolic content of sour orange peel and juice was compared with the total phenolic content of different citrus fruits analyzed with the same method. Gorinstein et al. reported that peeled lemons, oranges, and grapefruit contain 164±10.3, 154±10.2, and 135±10.1 and their peels 190±10.6, 179±10.5, and 155±10.3 mg gallic acid equivalent/100 g of total polyphenols, respectively [7]. The total flavonoid content of grapefruit peels was found between the ranges 74.4‐95.2 mg /100 g fresh weight [8]. In our study, both total phenolic content and total flavonoid content of sour orange peel were higher than literature values of different citrus f ruit peel such as lemon, orange, and grapefruit. It can be seen with increasing total phenolic content, the EC 50 value decreases, so the necessary amount of sample needed to decrease the initial DPPH· concentration (EC 50 ) by 50% becomes lower [9, 10]. Another term for antioxidant capacity is antiradical efficiency (AE), which is widely used to compare the results. Higher AE means higher antioxidant activity. As can be seen in Table 3, the total flavonoid content of peel was approximately 50-fold higher than juice where the total phenoli c content was 8-fold higher. Also the percentage of total flavonoid content to total phenolic content was higher in peel (~80 %) than juice (~14 %).
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