
; rap id method for t he estimation of natural r ubber in vulcanizates of GR-S and nat ura l rubber by means of infra red spectrosco py is reported . Sampl es were carefully prepared to co ntal!1 known amou nts of .natural and GR-S rubber; the samples \I'ere v ulcan ized, extracted wL t h acetone, and dn ed III a vacuum oven. Specim ens from eac h sam ple were pyr olyzed in a combust ion furn ace at 5500 C. and the liquid pyrolyzates were analyzed by mfra red absorptLOn spectroscop y . An empLLlcal relationship was developed in which thc band in te nsit ies at 11.02 and 11.25 mi crons were r elated to natural rubber content . The exp erimental error of .the method is characterized by a standard deviation of a s ingle d etermln atLO n of 0 .023, \I'hlCh represents a pprox imately 3-percent natural rubber.

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