
Traffic circulation on highways is a random process. Therefore automotive damage rate and, respectively, roads on which they are moving is subjected to regularities of random processes. Dynamic processes of vehicle-road interaction are determined to various extents by a host of factors that include road pavement evenness and characteristics of moving vehicles. For this reason the following task has been set: to reveal the most significant factors and mathematically correlate values of vehicle dynamic loads with a quality of road pavement and vehicle speed. Such task statement has not been solved adequately and this situation determines importance and novelty of the investigations in the given direction. While solving the mentioned task the investigations which have been carried out under real-life conditions and with the help of real-life objects are considered as the most reliable ones. However, preparation and execution of such experiments as needed significantly complicates their implementation. In this regard it looks rather expediential to combine a factorial experiment with the tests of a checked model while using ECM with stage-by-stage parameter fixation of working processes passing in “vehicle-road” system, comprehensive assessment pertaining to influence of the selected factors and selection of their optimum combination. Mathematical dependence has been obtained to evaluate influence of several external factors on optimization of vehicle dynamic load on the road. This component makes it possible to attain a simplified and adequate description of element interaction in “vehicle – road” system. While investigating influence of pavement irregularities on maximum dynamic loads on the road influence rate of the selected factors is determined in the following sequence: vehicle weight, pavement evenness and speed of transport facility.


  • Строительство of vehicle dynamic loads with a quality of road pavement and vehicle speed

  • Preparation and execution of such experiments as needed significantly complicates their implementation. In this regard it looks rather expediential to combine a factorial experiment with the tests of a checked model while using ECM with stage-by-stage parameter fixation of working processes passing in “vehicle-road” system, comprehensive assessment pertaining to influence of the selected factors and selection of their optimum combination

  • While investigating influence of pavement irregularities on maximum dynamic loads on the road influence rate of the selected factors is determined in the following sequence: vehicle weight, pavement evenness and speed of transport facility

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Сivil and Industrial Engineering

Динамические процессы взаимодействия автомобиля и дороги в различной степени определяются множеством факторов, к которым в том числе относятся ровность дорожных покрытий и параметры движущихся автомобилей. Поэтому была поставлена следующая задача: выявить наиболее значимые факторы и математически связать значения динамических нагрузок автомобиля с качеством дорожного покрытия и скоростью движения транспортных средств по нему. В связи с этим целесообразным является совмещение факторного эксперимента с испытаниями проверенной модели на ЭВМ с поэтапной фиксацией параметров рабочих процессов, проходящих в системе «автомобиль – дорога», комплексной оценкой влияния выбранных факторов и выбором их оптимального сочетания. Получена математическая зависимость для оценки влияния нескольких внешних факторов на оптимизацию динамической нагрузки автомобиля на дорогу, позволяющая получить упрощенное и адекватное описание взаимодействия элементов в системе «автомобиль – дорога». При исследовании влияния неровностей дорожного покрытия на максимальные динамические нагрузки на дорогу степень влияния выбранных факторов определена в такой последовательности: масса автомобиля, ровность покрытия и скорость движения транспортного средства. Solodkaya1) 1)Belarusian National Technical University (Minsk, Republic of Belarus)

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