
Abstract The conversion of measured radiances into radiative fluxes requires application of angular corrections; in the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE), the longwave anisotropic emission factors (AEFS) were tabulated for different viewing zenith angles, seasons, latitude bands, and scene types, including four differment cloud-cover classes. An alternative approach is investigated using simultaneous infrared atmospheric window (10.5-12.5 µm) and broadband longwave (LW) measurements. Such measurements will be available from the ScaRaB (Scanner for Radiation Balance) instrument whose launch is planned to occur in 1993. Using a radiative transfer model to simulate the combined measurements, the AEF is parameterized as a function of viewing zenith angle and a single other variable—atmospheric pseudoabsorptance—defined as the normalized difference between the broadband LW radiance and the integrated Planck emission at the 11.5-µm brightness temperature. For validation of the parameterization with exist...

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