
Ink age determination; based on the detection of changes in the structure of the ink on the document over time. These changes are degradation of dyes, evaporation of solvents and polymerization of resins. The time for these changes to ocur varies according to the structure of the ink and the environment in which the document stored. In this study, the age of the document was determined by analyzing the dyes and solvents in the structure of the ink that document was sent by the court in 2017. The phenoxyethanol was which found in the structure of the ink was detected by thermal desorption –gas chromatography-mass spectrometer while the determination of the dyes (crystal violet, methyl violet, tetramethyl pararosanil and Victoria blue) were determined by high pressure liquid chromatography-ultraviolet detector. Dye and relative solvent ratios were calculated and compared in age determination. It was discovered that the signature was produced after the writings by examining the ratio of CV/MV for the signature and personal name. Additionally, the presence of contamination from a different document was detected through phenoxyethanol analysis. The age of the document was determined using the V%-time curve, revealing that the signature was created between 3-7 months from the date of analysis.

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