
Food is a complex system comprised predominantly of water, fat, proteins and carbohy‐ drates together with numerous minor components. The functional properties of these com‐ ponents, which are governed by their molecular structure and intraand intermolecular interactions within food system, and the amounts present define the characteristics of food products. Quality of food products refers to the minimum standards for substances to quali‐ fy as fit for human consumption or permitted to come in contact with food. Appearance, col‐ or, flavor and texture are critical aspects for the sensory quality of food. The food quality includes also chemical, biological and microbial factors, e.g. instability of food products, which limits their shelf life and is connected with irreversible chemical and enzymatic reac‐ tions [1]. Recently, public interest in food quality and production has increased, probably re‐ lated to changes in eating habits, consumer behavior, and the development and increased industrialization of the food supplying chains. The demand for high quality and safety in food production obviously calls for high standards for quality and process control, which in turns requires appropriate analytical tools to investigate food.

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