
Interest in food quality and production has increased in recent decades, mainly due to changes in consumer habits and behaviour, and the development and increase in the industrialisation of food chains. The growing demand for quality and safety in food production obviously calls for high standards for quality and process control, which in turn requires appropriate analytical tools for the analysis of food. In particular, many unit operations in industrial food processes are related to microbial fermentation, namely milk coagulation in dairy, dough in bakery, as well as must fermentation in wine and beer productions. Fermentation is one of the earliest methods adopted to obtain value-added food products with an extended shelf life. Humans applied fermentation to make products such as wine, mead, cheese and beer long before the biochemical process behind was understood. Even now the biochemistry of fermentations commonly applied in food processes has many aspects which have not been fully investigated yet. Briefly, fermentation is any metabolic process in which an organism converts a carbohydrate, such as starch or sugar, into an alcohol and/or organic acids entailing modifications in the final product. The transition to industrial productions entailed a standardisation of the fermentation processes and the obtained products. Currently, the main objective is to develop instruments able to be implemented in the process in order to closely monitor the products of interest and to detect in real time the smallest changes bringing to a more effective process control and management. In this contest, spectroscopy revealed to be an interesting analytical method to monitor food fermentations processes. Spectroscopy is a secondary analytical method which consists in recording the absorption changes due to the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with the matter. The basic principle is that every chemical compound absorbs, transmits or reflects light (electromagnetic radiation) over a certain range of wavelengths. The information recorded can, thus, be used to measure the amount of a known chemical substance if correlated to a reference analysis. Spectroscopy reveals to be one of the most useful methods for quantitative analysis in various fields such as chemistry, physics, biochemistry, material and chemical engineering and clinical applications. Indeed, any application that deals with chemical substances or materials can use this technique. Moreover, the improved instrumentation for performing in-line and on-line analyses at industrial level has rose in the last decades giving the opportunity to obtained real-time information about the progression of any process and allowed its implementation as strategy to monitor complex systems as food production. The food monitoring with spectroscopic devices has become possible thanks to Chemometrics (i.e. multivariate data analysis). Chemometrics has widely demonstrated to be the perfect partner to spectroscopy to deal with the complex chemical/physical systems that food…

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