
A study was carried out to determine the soluble carbohydrate and β-carotene content of some selected vegetables which include sorrel (Hibiscus subdariffa), carrot (Daucus carota) and Moringa (Moringa oleifera).Soluble carbohydrate was determined by Anthrone method Spectrophotometry at wavelength of 620nm. It was found that Moringa leaves had the highest percentage of carbohydrate (10.1%) followed by carrot with (8.7%), while sorrel had the least (7.1%). The β-carotene content was determined by spectrophotometry and the values obtained were used to estimate retinol equivalent (vitamin A content) of the vegetables. Moringa leaves were found to have the highest concentration of β-carotene (2.33 x 102 μg/l) followed by sorrel with 1.264 x 102μg/l, while carrot had the least value of 3.03 x 101μg/l. The findings of the investigation have revealed varying levels of carbohydrate and β-carotene content in the vegetables analysed which have direct bearing on their nutritional status.

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