
In this work, the microsampling nature of tungsten coil electrothermal vaporization Ar/H 2 flame atomic fluorescence spectrometry (W-coil ETV-AFS) as well as tungsten coil electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (W-coil ET-AAS) was used with cloud point extraction (CPE) for the ultrasensitive determination of cadmium in rice and water samples. When the temperature of the extraction system is higher than the cloud point temperature of the selected surfactant Triton X-114, the complex of cadmium with dithizone can be quantitatively extracted into the surfactant-rich phase and subsequently separated from the bulk aqueous phase by centrifugation. The main factors affecting the CPE, such as concentration of Triton X-114 and dithizone, pH, equilibration temperature and incubation time, were optimized for the best extract efficiency. Under the optimal conditions, the limits of detection for cadmium by W-coil ETV-AFS and W-coil ET-AAS were 0.01 and 0.03 μg L −1, with sensitivity enhancement factors of 152 and 93, respectively. The proposed methods were applied to the determination of cadmium in certified reference rice and water samples with analytical results in good agreement with certified values.

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