
At present, many kinds of metal products are produced with application of various coatings. Coatings along with requirements to provide their functional properties, must also meet additional general requirements, in particular, must have a high adhesion resistivity. Methods of direct measuring of adhesion characteristics considered. It was shown, that estimation of coatings adhesion properties by regular standard methods has a subjective character, since it is accomplished visually by specially trained laboratory assistants. Appearance of new standards and modern devices for determining of adhesion characteristics of different coatings by scratch test creates new possibilities of those properties regulation in digital form without subjective estimations. A methodology considered for determining coatings adhesion properties by application theory of scratch test. Estimation of strength parameters of the coating material depending on coating destruction character by power and geometric parameters of the deformation hearth was carried out. The relation of power characteristics of deformation hearth under indenter analyzed. Advantages and drawbacks of the scratch test quoted. It was noted, that implementation of new devices for the scratch test has required adoption of new standards for polymer and ceramic coatings. Implementation of those standards and devices for estimation of different coatings adhesion properties by application scratch test at present has no insuperable obstacles.

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