
Anubandha Chatushtaya is an essential part of any writing. It is about the four factors, which were considered while making a scripture for an expected outcome. It is supposed that these factors first appeared with this terminology in Vedanta textbooks. The theme of a treatise, its objective, the target audience, and their interrelationships, are the four determinants of writing/outcome of literature. According to Vedanta, a competent learner learned from qualified teachers with the help of authentic treatises in a good manner and reaches the goal, of liberation (Moksha). Likewise in Ayurveda, a capable student well versed with authentic knowledge of Ayurveda and skilled through experience will become a qualified Physician. The real science is safe in the hands of such expert Physicians. From the very first chapter of Charaka Samhita itself, it emphasised the need of maintaining real physicians as well as avoiding quacks and little learned. It is to preserve the value of science and real practice. Some of the Ayurveda classical textbooks have descriptions of the factors of Anubandha Chatushtaya. But the term Anubandha Chatushtaya is not used for these factors. Therefore, we explored ancient Ayurveda literature for the descriptions regarding factors of Anubandha Chatushtaya. The descriptions of the qualities of students, teachers, textbooks, the learning methods, and the definition and utility of Ayurveda are some of them we found. Moreover, we found that these factors with utmost perfection are necessary for the prosperity of Ayurveda.

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