
The purpose of this study was to identify the determinants of job satisfaction among secondary school teachers in Murang’a South Sub-county. The objectives of the study were to: identify the determinants of job satisfaction among secondary school teachers in Murang’a South Sub-county, rank in order of importance the determinants of job satisfaction, determine satisfaction levels of secondary school teachers in Murang’a South Sub-county and come up with recommendations for improving job satisfaction. This study targeted all the 468 secondary school teachers in the 32 public secondary schools in Murang’a South Sub-county. Simple random sampling technique was employed to get a sample of 25 schools. Stratified sampling technique combined with simple random sampling technique was used to get three male and three female respondents from each school giving a sample of 150 respondents. A self-developed questionnaire was administered to the respondents who were given time to fill in the required information. The data collected was coded and then analysis done using SPSS computer software. Data analysis was done using descriptive statistics. The major determinants of satisfaction among teachers in Murang’a South Sub-county in order of importance were: pay/compensation, career progression/development, promotion opportunities, working conditions, recognition, workload, involvement in decision making and communication. Majority of the teachers in the sub-county were dissatisfied with their jobs and would not choose the teaching career if they were to start all over again. Dissatisfaction increases with age while being single affects satisfaction. The number of years a teacher spent in one job group affected job satisfaction. It is recommended that quick action be taken in addressing each of the determinants of job satisfaction with a view of increasing job satisfaction among secondary school teachers in Murang’a South Sub-county. As well, there is great need for the Teachers Service Commission to carry out job satisfaction surveys throughout the country among secondary school teachers with the aim of making the teaching profession more lucrative and attractive. Lastly, research should be carried out on the causes of increasing turnover in the teaching profession and then corrective measures taken.

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