
Food insecurity is a worldwide growing concern. According to the 2010 State of Food Insecurity report of the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization (UNFAO), nearly one billion people are estimated to be under- nourished, of which developing nations account for 98% (UNFAO2010). Demeke et.al (1995) pointed out that, despite many efforts, food insecurity is still a prominent feature of Ethiopia. Half of the food insecure population of the Sub Saharan Africa is found in Ethiopia, which is one of the seven food insecure country in Sub Sahara Africa. The food insecurity situation in the Humbo woreda, Wolaita zone of Ethiopia shares similar features with that of the other regions (WVE, 2007). The problem of food insecurity has wide diversity and multiple dimensions, which ranges from the global to individual level. Nevertheless, variability, complexity and interrelated causes of household food insecurity and local responses during crisis require an analysis to move down to a household level. It is with regard to this that this study began with the primary objective of analyzing the determinants of household food insecurity of smallholder farmers in Humbo Woreda Southern Nation Nationality People Regional State. To achieve this objective, primary data were collected from a sample of farm households in the Woreda through a structured questionnaire. A total of 183 farm households’ cases were included in the final analysis. In addition, secondary data were collected from different organizations and pertinent publications in order to elaborate the present situation of the food insecurity status in the study area. Logit model was used to identify and analyze the effect of explanatory variables on the dependent variable. A total of twelve explanatory variables were included in the regression. Out of these, six variables were found to be significant in terms of food insecurity. The variables that have a significant relationship with the probability of food insecurity are: Use of Chemical Fertilizer, Use of irrigation, Land Size, Livestock Size, Food Aid, and Farm Credit Use. The rest of the explanatory variables, namely age, sex, education level, family size, dependency ratio, and other sources of income, had no significant effect on the probability of food insecurity. Therefore, consideration of these factors is vital as it provides information that would enable one to undertake effective measures with the aim of improving food security status in the study area. Keywords: Food insecurity, logit , Humbo woreda, smallholder farmers DOI : 10.7176/JPID/50-01 Publication date :June 30 th 2019


  • Food insecurity is a worldwide growing concern.Accordingtothe2010State of Food Insecurity report of the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO), nearly one billion people are estimated to be undernourished,ofwhichdevelopingnationsaccountfor98%(FAO2010).The International Red Cross is currently appealing for HKD 3.69 billion to support the humanitarian operations in 11 African countries, including Cameroon, Chad, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Zimbabwe

  • 2.5 Results of the Logit model selected explanatory variables were used to estimate the logistic regression model to analyze the determinants of households' food insecurity

  • A logit model was fit to estimate the effects of the hypothesized explanatory variables on the probabilities of food insecurity

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Food insecurity is a worldwide growing concern.Accordingtothe2010State of Food Insecurity report of the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO), nearly one billion people are estimated to be undernourished,ofwhichdevelopingnationsaccountfor98%(FAO2010).The International Red Cross is currently appealing for HKD 3.69 billion to support the humanitarian operations in 11 African countries, including Cameroon, Chad, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Zimbabwe. As of April 2017, over 5.1 million people affected by the food crisis have been reached (AFC, 2017). With a population of over 80 million, Ethiopia is the second most populous country in Sub-Saharan Africa (UNFPA, 2011). Ethiopia has good resource potential for development: agriculture, biodiversity, water resource, minerals, etc. Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries in the world with worst scenario of poverty and food insecurity. Close to a quarter of the population in Ethiopia is malnourished with the largest proportion suffering from chronic hunger

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