
During the months of may/88 to February/89, the Marine Pollution Control Section of the CCCP, made ten (10) monthly samplings in nine (09) stations located in the Mira River and two located in the Tumaco Inlet; the last ones to follow the variation in concentration of oil and grease brought by the Mira River into the sea. The main objetive was to determine how all the sewage from the African Palm Oil Industries, affect the phisycal-chemical parametres that caracterize the quality of the water. The concentration of oil and Grease showed its highest valúes in the stations on the Mira River, specially in the Imbilí Station with a médium value of 3.14 mg/L and the lowest in Playa (Mira River), Bajito and Morro (both stations in the Inlet) With 0.22, 0.33 and 0.39 mg/L respectively. The lowest valué of Ph in the stations on the Mira River was found Imbilí with 6.55 and the highest in Padilla with 7.48. The concentration of Dissolved Oxigen in the Mira River showed its highest valúes in the Acueducto and Playa Stations with 6.01 and 6.00 mm/L. Respectively. The Oxigen Biochemical Demand showed its highest values in the Herrera and Imbilí Stations with valúes of 1.55 and 1.88 ml/L respectively and lower in the Guandalajo Station with a valué of 0.54 ml/L. The Water Surface Temperatura, The Dissolved Solids, The Suspended Solids, The Ph and The Salinity, showed the highest vedues in the Stations located on the sea, that is, Bajito and Morro. The lowest turbidity was also present in these two stations. The nutrient values in these two stations were lower than the values in the River Stations. The valúes for Surface Temperatura, Salinity, Dissolved Oxigen, Oxigen Biochemical Demand and Nutrients in the Stations Located in the Tumaco Inlet (Sea), were not significant different than the characteristic valúes, recordad in previus studies of CCCP (Zapata, 1986). From The analysis of the results it is concluded that during the dry season when the stream of the river becomes low the concentration of Orease and Oil becomes higher like the values for OBD and turbidity, while the valúes of Ph and Dissolved Oxigen become low which is a clear significance of a starting degradation of the Quality of the Water.

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