
Wonosadi forest is managed forests by indigenous forest communities and is located in the hamlet of Duren and Sidorejo, Beji village, subdistrict Ngawen, Gunung Kidul regency, Yogyakarta. One of the biological richness contained in Wonosadi forest is very valuable natural orchids and need to be preserved. Management to the preservation of nature in the woods Wonosadi orchids can be done through natural orchid protection against infectious pathogens, including viruses. Odontoglossum ringspot virus (ORSV) is one type of orchid viruses infect most widely reported and has spread widely in the world, including in Indonesia. ORSV can cause severe damage to the orchid. Therefore, it is necessary to study to detect ORSV that infect wild orchids in the forest Wonosadi molecular basis for detecting the presence and pattern of infection ORSV as well as possible to reduce the severity of disease caused by infection with the virus. The purpose of this study is to assess the natural orchid ORSV infection in molecular Wonosadi forest that can be used as a database in an effort to protect against natural orchid Wonosadi forest. In the long term, the results of this study are very useful to support conservation efforts and determine appropriate conservation efforts for wild orchids in the forest Wonosadi. The initial phase of the study conducted a survey and collection of samples of wild orchids in the forest leaves that show symptoms of infection Wonosadi ORSV. Furthermore, molecular analysis performed with gene amplification Coat Protein ORSV using Reverse engineering Trancriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR).Keywords: orchid soil, ORSV, RT-PCR, Wonosadi forest


  • PENDAHULUAN Hutan Wonosadi merupakan hutan yang dikelola secara adat oleh masyarakat sekitar hutan dusun Duren dan dusun Sidorejo, Desa Beji, kecamatan Ngawen, kabupaten Gunungkidul

  • One of the biological richness contained in Wonosadi forest is very valuable natural orchids and need to be preserved

  • Management to the preservation of nature in the woods Wonosadi orchids can be done through natural orchid protection against infectious pathogens, including viruses

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Anggrek tanah merupakan kekayaan alam yang sangat berharga dan perlu untuk

Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut yang berkaitan dengan deteksi ORSV yang menyerang anggrek alam di hutan Wonosadi secara molekular untuk mengetahui keberadaan dan pola penyakit serta sedapat mungkin mengantisipasi penyebaran penyakit akibat infeksi virus tersebut. Penelitian mengenai deteksi virus yang dilakukan pada anggrek alam di hutan Wonosadi dapat menjadi salah satu upaya potensial yang dapat mendukung pemilihan metode konservasi yang tepat melalui penerapan konsep basis data. Tahap pertama penelitian adalah melakukan survei dan koleksi sampel daun anggrek alam di hutan Wonosadi yang menunjukkan gejala terinfeksi ORSV berupa bercak-bercak mosaik dan klorotik pada daun. Campuran dalam column disentrifugasi pada kecepatan 12.000 rpm selama 3 menit kemudian cairan yang tertampung di bagian bawah column dibuang. RNA washing buffer sebanyak 600 μl ditambahkan ke dalam column dan disentrifugasi pada kecepatan 12.000 rpm selama 1 menit. Urutan nukleotida primer gen Coat Protein (CP) ORSV yang digunakan dalam RT-PCR

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Reaksi Predenaturation
Pecteilis sussanae
International Conference on Biological
Spesies Berdasarkan Sifat Morfologi
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