
Rotavirus type A is one of the viruses that cause viral gastroenteritis. This research was done to detection Rotavirus type A in watery stool samples of children suffering from viral gastroenteritis. Stool samples were collected in four months from November 2019 to March 2020 from three hospitals in Babylon province of Iraq are Hashemite Hospital was collected 50 stool specimens, while Al-Noor Hospital for Maternity and General Al-Qasim Hospital were collected 25 stool specimens. A total of 46 males and 29 females were diagnosed with viral gastroenteritis. Two methods used in the present study for detection Rotavirus and Rotavirus type A were rapid test and reverse transcriptase PCR . The results of rapid test were indicated to 26 positive samples for rotavirus out of 75 stool samples while the results of reverse transcriptase PCR for detection Rotavirus type A were indicated to 6 positive samples out of the 26 stool samples

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