
Identification of complex relationships among members of microbial communities is key to understand and control the microbiota. Co-exclusion is arguably one of the most important patterns reflecting micro-organisms' intolerance to each other's presence. Knowing these relations opens an opportunity to manipulate microbiotas, personalize anti-microbial and probiotic treatments as well as guide microbiota transplantation. The co-exclusion pattern however, cannot be appropriately described by a linear function nor its strength be estimated using covariance or (negative) Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients. This manuscript proposes a way to quantify the strength and evaluate the statistical significance of co-exclusion patterns between two, three or more variables describing a microbiota and allows one to extend analysis beyond micro-organism abundance by including other microbiome associated measurements such as, pH, temperature etc., as well as estimate the expected numbers of false positive co-exclusion patterns in a co-exclusion network. The implemented computational pipeline (CoEx) tested against 2380 microbial profiles (samples) from The Human Microbiome Project resulted in body-site specific pairwise co-exclusion patterns. C++ source code for calculation of the score and P-value for two, three and four dimensional co-exclusion patterns as well as source code and executable files for the CoEx pipeline are available at https://scsb.utmb.edu/labgroups/fofanov/co-exclusion_in_microbial_communities.asp. Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

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