
In this paper, we present a novel solution to detect forgery and fabrication in passports and visas using cryptography and QR codes. The solution requires that the passport and visa issuing authorities obtain a cryptographic key pair and publish their public key on their website. Further they are required to encrypt the passport or visa information with their private key, encode the ciphertext in a QR code and print it on the passport or visa they issue to the applicant. The issuing authorities are also required to create a mobile or desktop QR code scanning app and place it for download on their website or Google Play Store and iPhone App Store. Any individual or immigration uthority that needs to check the passport or visa for forgery and fabrication can scan its QR code, which will decrypt the ciphertext encoded in the QR code using the public key stored in the app memory and displays the passport or visa information on the app screen. The details on the app screen can be compared with the actual details printed on the passport or visa. Any mismatch between the two is a clear indication of forgery or fabrication. Discussed the need for a universal desktop and mobile app that can be used by immigration authorities and consulates all over the world to enable fast checking of passports and visas at ports of entry for forgery and fabrication

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