
A RECENT communication by V. L. Bosazza1 lends point to a description of the application of the photoelectric cell to the determination of the nature of the clay minerals present in soil mortars. After treatment with a solution of malachite green for a period of 10–15 min. to permit of base exchange, the liquid is filtered into a glass cell. The degree of decolorization of the filtrate is a measure of the amount of base exchange between clay minerals and stain, and this can be evaluated quantitatively by placing the filtrate between a light source and a photo-electric cell having a sensitive galvanometer in circuit. Clay fractions which are dominantly quartzose in type remove little of the stain, while those of the kaolinite or beidellite types produce an almost clear filtrate. Colour differences in the filtrates obtained from different clay fractions can then be measured by means of the galvanometer.

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