
Abstract Spermatogenesis that occurred in the seminiferous tubule of the testis requires various substances, one of which is carbohydrates. Data regarding carbohydrates distribution in the testis of Aceh bull is currently not available. The objective of this study is to determine the neutral carbohydrates distribution in the seminiferous tubule and interstitial tissue of Aceh bull testis using histochemical periodic acid Schiff (PAS) staining. Five pairs adult testis of Aceh bull were use and fixed in neutral buffered formalin 10% (immersion fixation), and then processed into histological preparation to be stained using PAS staining. A positive reaction on the presence of neutral carbohydrate in the testis indicated by magenta color in the specific cells and other components of testis. According microscopic observation, neutral carbohydrates found in the spermatogonium, spermatocyte, round spermatid, elongated spermatid, basal membrane, myoid peritubular cell, and cytoplasm of Sertoli cell in seminiferous tubule. Furthermore, the specific neutral carbohydrates were observed in the round spermatid with various expression, indicated that carbohydrates (glycoprotein) have an important role for acrosome formation in the round, elongating, and elongated spermatid during spermiogenesis to produce spermatozoa. Additionally, neutral carbohydrates were also found in the interstitial tissue of testis, including Leydig cell, fibrocyte, blood vessels, connective tissue, and tunica albuginea of testis. In conclusion, the presence of neutral carbohydrate in the testis of Aceh bull indicates that this substance is required to maintain spermatogenesis and tissue structure of the testis.

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