
Chilli leaf disease has a destructive effect on the chilli crop yield. Chilli leaf disease can result in a significant decrease in both the quantity and quality of the chilli crop. Early detection, perfect identification and accurately diagnosing the disease will aid in increasing the profit of the cultivator. However, after a comprehensive survey investigation, we discovered that no studies have been previously conducted to compare the classification performance of machine learning and deep learning for the chilli leaf disease classification problem. In this study, five main leaf diseases i.e. down curl of a leaf, Geminivirus, Cercospora leaf spot, yellow leaf disease, and up curl disease were identified, and images were captured using a digital camera and are labelled. These diseases were classified using 12 different pretrained deep learning networks (AlexNet, DarkNet53, DenseNet201, EfficientNetb0, InceptionV3, MobileNetV2, NasNetLarge, ResNet101, ShuffleNet, SqueezeNet, VGG19, and XceptionNet) using chilli leaf data with and without augmentation using deep learning transfer. Performance metrics such as accuracy, recall, precision, F1-score, specificity, and misclassification were calculated for each network. VGG19 had the best accuracy (83.54%) without augmentation, and DarkNet53 had the best result (98.82%) with augmentation among all pretrained deep learning networks in our self-built chilli leaf dataset. The result was enhanced by designing a squeeze-and-excitation-based convolutional neural network (SECNN) model. The model was tested on a chilli leaf dataset with different input sizes and mini-batch sizes. The proposed model produced the best accuracy of 98.63% and 99.12% without and with augmentation, respectively. The SECNN model was also tested on different datasets from the PlantVillage data, including apple, cherry, corn, grape, peach, pepper, potato, strawberry, and tomato leaves, separately and with the chilli dataset. The proposed model achieved an accuracy of 99.28% in classifying 43 different classes of plant leaf datasets.

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