Crosstalk occurs in most quantum computing systems with more than one qubit. It can cause a variety of correlated and nonlocal crosstalk errors that can be especially harmful to fault-tolerant quantum error correction, which generally relies on errors being local and relatively predictable. Mitigating crosstalk errors requires understanding, modeling, and detecting them. In this paper, we introduce a comprehensive framework for crosstalk errors and a protocol for detecting and localizing them. We give a rigorous definition of crosstalk errors that captures a wide range of disparate physical phenomena that have been called ``crosstalk'', and a concrete model for crosstalk-free quantum processors. Errors that violate this model are crosstalk errors. Next, we give an equivalent but purely operational (model-independent) definition of crosstalk errors. Using this definition, we construct a protocol for detecting a large class of crosstalk errors in a multi-qubit processor by finding conditional dependencies between observed experimental probabilities. It is highly efficient, in the sense that the number of unique experiments required scales at most cubically, and very often quadratically, with the number of qubits. We demonstrate the protocol using simulations of 2-qubit and 6-qubit processors.
Quantum computing has grown from a theoretical concept into a nascent technology
Crosstalk errors violate either of two key assumptions that go into any well-behaved model of quantum information processors (QIPs) dynamics: spatial locality, and independence of operations
We provide a universal and hardware-agnostic definition of crosstalk errors in terms of a model for QIP dynamics based on representations of gates, state preparations and measurements on the device
Quantum computing has grown from a theoretical concept into a nascent technology. Cloud-accessible quantum information processors (QIPs) with 20+ qubits exist today, and ones with around 100 qubits may appear in the few years [45]. Instead, on the visible effects of crosstalk on the quantum logical behavior of a physical system that is used and treated like a quantum computer We refer to these hardware-agnostic effects as crosstalk errors – deviations from the ideal behavior of quantum gates and circuits, which can be formalized and captured in an architecture-independent way. Gates and other operations are supposed to act non-trivially only in a specific “target” region of the QIP, and their action on that region is supposed to be independent of the context in which they are applied. These assumptions enable tractable models for quantum computing, and crosstalk errors violate them. We give a rigorous definition of crosstalk errors that captures the effects of crosstalk, while avoiding the need to engage deeply with the physical phenomena themselves
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